What is the MindLab?

Years ago, there was a virtual place in my mind where I would go to unleash my imagination while I was at work. As a silk screen printer (19 years experience), daily tasks could be boring in some ways due to all the tedious repetition and routine, so being able to harness the power of imagination helped me get through much of my work.
It wasn’t until 12 years ago, when I became self employed, that I gave this virtual place an identity… The Mindlab. Today it is much more than the virtual place it once was. Imagination is still boundless there, but it is now a physical place where my skills as a designer and silk screen printer meet to produce the end product of my imagination.
I would like to thank everyone that bought an exclusive t-shirt from the Mindlab Collection so far, and many thanks to clients and supporters of Artwurks Unlimited. The Mindlab is officially open! Silk screen print production at it’s finest!
JudahOne | Senior Designer
Artwurks Unlimited