The Campaign to Re-Elect Bobby Gibson
State Representative Bobby Gibson was elected to represent Bloomfield and Windsor in 2019. Before being elected, he first garnered widespread notoriety while serving as a teacher in Bloomfield, Hartford, and the Capital Region Educational Council where he positively influenced the lives of students for well over two decades.
State Representative Gibson also coached hundreds of student-athletes, while winning many Conference and State Championships in Basketball, Track and Field, and Football. Gibson has also served as Basileus of the Tau Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., where the Chapter of the Year distinction is an expectation. He is also a Trustee and Usher at Hopewell Baptist Church.
It is an honor to play our role in the campaign for State Representative Gibson's re-election. We created the layouts for door hangers, mailers, walk cards and the smaller "palm" cards for distribution at the polls. We also designed and printed the campaign t-shirts. We created the lawn sign layouts and large format banner. He was victorious in the primary and we look forward to his victory in November. Our clients are winners!